Solar Panel Installation in Grand Prairie – Dion Robinson’s Solar Story

Explore how Dion Robinson partnered with Collide Energy to bring renewable energy to his Grand Prairie home. This fast and efficient project highlights the benefits of solar power.

Solar Panels in Grand Prairie

Installing solar panels in Grand Prairie is an excellent way to save money and reduce reliance on traditional energy sources. Collide Energy’s projects in this area demonstrate how renewable energy can make a difference for homeowners, even in smaller communities.

Project Background

Dion wanted to lower his energy bills and reduce his carbon footprint. Collide Energy provided a cost-effective solar solution tailored to his two-story home.

System Specifications

  • Panels/Inverters: DS3 Micro APS, Bauer 470W
  • Number of Panels: 19
  • System Size: 8.93 kW
  • Installation Type: On-grid
  • Installation Cost: $38,845

Unique Aspects of the Project

  • Fast installation completed in just two days.
  • Location in Grand Prairie added logistical considerations that were managed efficiently.

Results and Benefits

  • Energy Offset: 103%, generating 11,383 kWh annually.

Start Your Solar Journey Today

Interested in solar for your home? Get a free consultation with Collide Energy today!